On occasion a client might be added to a household in error, this article will show you how to undo this. Note that this is different than if a family member leaves/ separates from a household due to things such as a divorce. If you want to find out more information on how to remove a household member due to other circumstances, please review our Knowledge Base Article on Removing Clients from a Household in an Enrollment.
Removing a Household Member
If a client was added to a household in error, you can remove the client by following the steps below.
Step 1: Search for the client, and click on Edit
Step 2: Click on the Manage button
Step 3: Click on the Edit button next to the client you want to remove from the household
Step 4: On the popup window, click the Exited Household button, enter the date the client exited the household (which should be the same as the joined household date since this was added in error) and click Save
Step 5: There will now be a record under the Household History, which should be the client that was just exited. You will need to select the Trash icon to delete the record from this page.
Please note that if the client also had an enrollment in a project, this will also need to be deleted if the client was enrolled in error. Review our Knowledge Base article on Exiting Clients from a Project for more information.