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Adding Services

# **Background** In Clarity, _Services _are set up as service categories with multiple _Service Items _under them. For example, a "Food" service may have "Meal Voucher," "Bag of Groceries," and "Meal On Site" as service items that are available to provide to clients. Service items are the actual services provided to …

Adding Households to the Community Queue

# **Background** In order to be served through the Coordinated Entry System, households must be enrolled in the Coordinated Entry project, and complete the Individual or Family CES Assessment. Once the Individual or Family Assessment is completed, the case worker must collect and upload any required documentation for…

Coordinated Entry System (CES) for Case Managers

# **Background** The Coordinated Entry System is a process which coordinates the assessment and referral of individuals and families seeking housing, and includes the use of a comprehensive and standardized assessment tool. Both the Family Coordinated Entry System and Individual Coordinated Entry System are set-up i…

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