Aug 04, 2023
Many agencies have expressed a need to know whether or not the clients active in their HMIS projects have been assessed and are on the Community Queue for the Coordinated Entry System. This article provides instructions for agencies to compare a list of clients active in their projects with clients active in the Coordinated Entry projects. Users can determine which clients are not active in the Coordinated Entry project, and work with those clients to enroll them.
- Run the UDE Data Completeness Dashboard Details report for the shelter(s) at your agency.
- Ensure the agency dropdown is set to your Primary Agency. Review the Additional Agency Access article for instructions on changing your agency.
- Navigate to the Data Analysis tab, and select the UDE Data Completeness Dashboard Details under the Data Quality section of Orange County Clarity System Reports.
- Change the Reporting Period Filter to "is on the day", and make sure the date is set to the current date.
- To limit the report to only include Emergency Shelters at your agency, change the Project Type Code filter to Emergency Shelter. To limit the results to specific projects at the agency, use the Programs Full Name filter.
- Download the report to Excel format. The Limit on the download should be 'All Results'.
- Run the Coordinated Entry Status for Active Enrollments report.
- Change the agency dropdown to run the Coordinated Entry report. To see a report of families in the Coordinated Entry System, change the agency to Family Solutions Collaborative. To see a report of the individuals in the Coordinated Entry system, change the agency to County of Orange.
- Navigate to the Data Analysis tab, and select the report under the Coordinated Entry section of Orange County Clarity System Reports. Select either the Individual or Family version of this report, depending on the household type of the clients on the shelter report. The report should coincide with the agency selected in the step above.
- Download the report to Excel format. The Limit on the download should be 'All Results'.
- Add a new column header to the end of the UDE details report called In CES.
- Add a VLOOKUP formula to the first cell in the In CES column. For more instruction on VLOOKUPs review the Microsoft Support VLOOKUP article.
- The VLOOKUP should check the CES report to see if the Unique ID on the UDE report is listed. The generic formula for using VLOOKUP on a separate sheet is =VLOOKUP(lookup cell,sheet!range,column,match)
- In this case, the lookup cell is the Unique ID on the UDE report, the range is the Unique ID column on the CES report, the column is 1 because there is only 1 column in the range, and the match is FALSE because the formula should only find exact matches for Unique ID. The formula should look like the example below. The highlighted yellow portion may be different depending on the name of the CES report file.
- After entering the formula in the new In CES column, highlight the yellow portion of the formula and replace with the name of the CES Status report.
- After entering the VLOOKUP formula in the first cell, copy and paste the formula to all cells in the column.
- Filter the report to only include clients where Head of Household = Yes.
- Cells with an ID displaying in the column represent clients active in a project that are also active in the Coordinated Entry project. Search for these clients on CES report to view their status in the Coordinated Entry System. Cells with #N/A represent clients that are active in a project that are not active in the Coordinated Entry project.